Exclusive Offers for You

Benefit from loyalty campaigns unique to Apsiyon users!

The Exclusive Offers for You platform lists campaigns, created by Apsiyon's partnerships, for managers and residents.

Apsiyon Campaign

Who can Benefit from These Campaigns?

All managers, residents, and owners living in properties managed with Apsiyon can benefit from these campaigns. You can easily access this platform through the website of the property you live in and the Apsiyon Mobile App.

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Numerous unique loyalty campaigns are available for Apsiyon users; check them out now.


Exclusive Offers are always there for you
on Apsiyon Mobile!

Bespoke Mobile Application for Managers

Bespoke Mobile Application for Managers

You can benefit from special offers for Apsiyon managers.

Apsiyon Appstore Apsiyon Googleplay Apsiyon AppGallery
Bespoke Mobile Application for Residents

Bespoke Mobile Application for Residents

Good news for residents using Apsiyon! Enjoy the offers exclusive only for you.

Apsiyon Appstore Apsiyon Googleplay Apsiyon AppGallery

What Our Customers Say

Liva Konakları


Liva Konakları

We can manage the entry and exit of vehicles systematically with the License Plate Recognition System.

We can perform retrospective checks thanks to the records and reports generated by the system.



Prestij Evleri

The passage of vehicles and pedestrians has accelerated with Apsiyon.

Salih İNAN

Uğur Sitesi

The training program I attended was very helpful for me. I now see that there were so many topics I did not know about! I would like to thank my instructors at Apsiyon Academy.


Burak KUZU

Professional Management Company Owner

21,959 satisfied customers rely on Apsiyon.

See all

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I view the campaigns on the Exclusive?Offers for You Platform? 

You can view the campaigns on the Exclusive?Offers for You Platform via any device allowing access to Apsiyon, such as smartphones, iPads, desktops, tablets and notebooks. 

What is the idea behind the Exclusive?Offers for You Platform? 

The idea is to provide unique offers to residents and managers using Apsiyon. We aim to offer our users the products and services from leading companies at a discount.

What are the criteria for the campaigns included in the Exclusive?Offers for You Platform? 

The Exclusive?Offers for You Platform features partnerships and campaigns that address the needs of Apsiyon users. 

Who can benefit from the campaigns on the Exclusive?Offers for You? 

Managers and residents using Apsiyon can benefit from these campaigns.